
What is a Communal Neural Network?

The goal of this project is to help reform human-made recommendation.

Void of algorithms, AI, or monetary incentives, users are welcome to share interests and connect with others through this website.

How to Use:

1. Adding Nodes:
Type an interest in the input field and click "Send" or press Enter.

(e.g. Where the Wild Things Are, "Demon Days" by Gorillaz, Mario Kart 8)

Tagging: Above the text box, you can select a tag to categorize your input. You can also press the "+" button to browse or add new tags.

Prompts: Can't think of something to add to the Network?
Press the button to generate a prompt for inspiration!

2. Creating Synapses:
Drag from the black dot on any node to another node to connect them with a synapse.

Node Info: Hover over any node to see its info and synapses.

3. Navigation:
Click and drag the background to pan. Use the mini-map for orientation and quick navigation.

4. Info Panel:
This appears when you hover over a node. It will provide information about the node's tag and synapses.

Highlight Nodes: Clicking the tag within the info panel will highlight all nodes on the canvas with that tag.

5. Toolbar:
Located on the lefthand side of the window with several buttons.

Organize will automatically organize your messy nodes and connections into a more coherent arrangement.

Delete Synapse allows you to delete synapse lines between nodes. It can be toggled ON/OFF.

Delete Node allows you to delete nodes. It can be toggled ON/OFF. (This action cannot be undone.)

This website was created by Henry Farr

Please select a tag before submitting!
X:${Math.round(panOffset.x)} Y:${Math.round(panOffset.y)}

Are you sure you want to delete this node?

This action is irreversible.